Action on Smoking and Health
Action on Smoking and Health
2013 H Street, NW
Washington, DC 20006
Tel: (202) 659-4310
A.S.H. is the nation's oldest and largest antismoking organization, and the only one which regularly takes hard-hitting legal and other actions to fight smoking and to protect the rights of nonsmokers.
A.S.H. provides nonsmokers with legal forms and valuable information to help them protect their rights, and to learn more about the problems and costs of smoking to nonsmokers.
A.S.H.'s actions have helped prohibit cigarette commercials; ban smoking on planes, buses, and many public places; lower insurance premiums for nonsmokers, etc.
A.S.H. is entirely supported by tax-deductible contributions from people like you concerned about smoking and protecting the rights of nonsmokers. Click here for big tax-saving tips.
To learn how easy it is to join A.S.H., and to receive many special gifts, please click here.
Please stay awhile, and sample the wide variety of news, documents, links, and other information available on A.S.H.'s site. Come back often for newly-added features.
If you are a nonsmoker, A.S.H. 's site may save your life, or help you protect your health. It could also help to save the life of a friend or a loved one who still smokes.
