Blog Carnival Up: Migraines & Sex
Blog Carnival Up: Migraines & Sex
February 12, 2009
By Rena Sherwood
Only on the blogosphere do migraines and sex go together. Most times migraine pain makes sex impossible, although a few migrainers claim that the release of the orgasm can help temporarily relieve pain. If you are having sex and suddenly get the worst migraine you ever have, then call an ambulance.
On that happy metal image, let us now turn to the February 2009 edition of the Headache and Migraine Blog Carnival, hosted by the lovely and talented Diana Lee over at Somebody Heal Me. A blog carnival, once again, is a selection of blogposts that all loosely revolve around a particular theme.
And yes, there’s one from me entitled Sex, Orgasms, Headaches.
This is the time in the post where I announce my personal favourites among the seven entries. As always, this is not meant to slight any blogger in any way. These are picked solely on my personal tastes (or lack thereof).
* Jasmine over at Jasmine’s Cove gets the Best Title Award for Tonight Dear! I Have A Headache. The article itself is funny, sexy and practical (as well as the comments afterwards.
* The “let’s get right to the point†award goes to Headache During Sex over at Headache Advisor. Covers the topic from a variety of angles.
* The “‘Depends Who You Ask†award for Megan Oltman’s Migraine Consolation, which asks the question “Either it’s just a god-awful mess, or you have to spread out a towel and wear rubber gloves, and really, how sexy is that?â€
Next Month’s Topic
Diana is accepting submissions for next month’s topic - “Advice for Creating a Migraine-Friendly Living Environment†due of Fraday, March 6. Your blog does not have to be solely realted to migraines or headaches, but the particilar post should have something to do with it. There’s no money, but it sure brings traffic to your blog.
