Ten Benefits Of Having Arthritis
Ten Benefits Of Having Arthritis
May 12, 2004
Carol & Richard Eustice
1 - You are on a first name basis at the pharmacy. (For more information on Medications)
2 - Unlike most baby boomers you are likely to collect more Social Security than you pay in. (For more information on Social Security Disability - Do You Qualify?)
3 - You have many medical deductions to include on your income tax return. (For more information about "Deducting Arthritis On Your Income Tax")
4 - You no longer have to wear pantyhose and high heels. (More on High-Heeled Shoes and Osteoarthritis)
5 - You get close-in parking spaces during the Christmas shopping season. (Read "Invisible Illnesses and Handicapped Parking")
6 - You are excused from not having your house featured in Good Housekeeping magazine. (In-The-Home & Daily Living with Arthritis)
7 - You are on a first name basis with the Domino pizza delivery man from all those "I don't feel like cooking" days. (More information on Diet and Nutrition)
8 - You get to experience early retirement from your job. (Read "Can I Continue To Work?")
9 - The phrase "no pain, no gain" does not apply to you. (More information on Exercise)
10- You often get complimented on your age by being told, "You're too young to have arthritis". (More "Misconceptions About Arthritis")
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