The Comedy Catch
The Comedy Catch
3224 Brainerd Rd.
Chattanooga, TN 37411
Tel. (423)629-2233
Twenty Four Years of Stand-up Comedy in Chattanooga!
It was May of 1985 when The Comedy Catch debuted as Chattanooga's first full time comedy club, then located in Dr. Sages atop the Holiday Inn downtown. One year later the club moved to its present Brainerd Road location and was renamed The Comedy Catch at the Cafe.
In its history The Comedy Catch has hosted some of the biggest stars in comedy. Names such as: Jerry Seinfeld, Jeff Foxworthy, Tommy Chong, Paula Poundstone, Richard Jeni, Bobby Collins, Carrot Top, James Gregory, Pauly Shore, Bobcat Goldthwait and many others. In addition to national talent, The Comedy Catch stage has launched many local careers, and is considered one of the best venues in the south by many of the regional favorites.
Management at the club strives for all to have an entertaining evening, whether you are attending our weekly comedy shows or one of our special shows. Through the years The Comedy Catch has presented a variety of entertaining programs; comedy shows for the hearing impaired, shows for day care teachers, recovering alcoholics, just women, a show for the gay community, Christian Comedy Shows and a long list of charity events.
A Great Place For A Party Or Group Function
Whether it's business or pleasure, The Comedy Catch is the perfect place for a group function. From full sit down dinners to appetizer buffets, The Cafe can accommodate your group for parties, fund-raisers, or business meetings.
The Comedy Catch provides the perfect entertainment for fund-raisers, stress management programs, entertaining clients, celebrating birthdays, anniversaries or a company party. Our showroom is equipped with state of the art audio and video equipment for business meetings, awards ceremonies, and presentations.
Here is the price list for banquets and group rates.
Let us help plan your next group function. Call or e-mail our banquet manager for more information.
© 2009, All rights reserved
