The Future of Diabetes
The Future of Diabetes
Oct 13, 2008
Eva Heintz wrote this at age 14 for the College of the Siskiyous “Dream Job†essay contest. She won “Best of Show†and since she’s a type 1 who wants to grow up to be a pediatric endocrinologist, we thought we’d share it with our readers.
I rush to the hospital, hoping to get there in time. When I arrive, I find my newly diagnosed diabetic with a blood sugar of 1027. He is vomiting all over the place and might have a seizure soon. He is in diabetic ketoacidosis. It's time for my dream job.
I could be in this position in twenty years.

I'd be changing insulin-to-carbohydrate ratios, giving injections, doing sliding scales, and trying to keep people with diabetes on the right track all day long. It would be nice to go to bed every night knowing that I have helped someone turn his or her life around. In order to do that, I will need to attend college for nearly ten years. In that decade of learning, I must gather all the information I can, so as to not ruin a person's life. I must also work hard and try to be understanding, especially if I am to work with children.

I think I would be best at this job because I have type 1 so I can relate. I have had many experiences, good and bad, most of which I want to help prevent, which I can do with my dream job. I think the most important part is that I would be able to help or maybe even save people's lives with something that I consider intriguing. You probably have never heard of my dream job-that is what makes it so special.
©1991-2009 Diabetes Health
I want to be a Pediatric Endocrinologist.
